
In our Online Store you can buy top quality products and natural components such as those proposed by the firm Sonofin.

What are the products of the firm Sonofin

Sonofin is a brand that has food supplements to improve people's care. Their healthcare products are top-quality and completely safe.

Among them are options such as Sonovit, a food supplement that has iron, vitamins A, B, C in its formulation. All of these natural ingredients help treat ear disorders as well as annoying internalnoises.

Sonofin is a line of products from the prestigious Pharma OTC laboratories. Its food supplements also include Ginkgo biloba, a product that contributes to good hearing and vision. This is possible because Ginkgo Biloba contributes to proper peripheral circulation and this is key to preserving the health of the ears.

What are Sonofín products used for?

Sonofin products help to make the transmission in normal oxygen parameters, since the opposite is one of the causes that cause tinnitus, dizziness, and imbalances.

Thanks to its excellent formulation, it is also useful for maintaining the mucous membranes in normal conditions and protecting the cells against oxidation.

If you're looking to put an end to annoying ringing in the ears, Stoofin's products will be your best allies. Sonofin has a star product: Sonovit 30 capsules.

Sonovit 30 capsules has a composition made from Ginkgo Biloba, a product that acts as a peripheral dilator, increasing blood flow neo. With melatonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the vital recovery functions of the body both at the sensory level and with vitamins and iron that makes metabolic processes more effective.

Buy Sonofín online

Buy Sonofín through Bevilud and you will receive the product comfortably in a few days at the indicated address. Through our online store you will find the best products to take care of your hearing health and also the best products to preserve your health.

If you take a look at our natural health store you will see that all our products are mainly made from natural products and compositions. If you're looking to get the best care through high-quality options, trust the ones you'll find on Bevilud.

We work with top brands at the best price online. Place your order.